Advertisement for Bids: 3-Year Mowing Contract
Advertisement for Bids
Bid Specifications for
Mowing, Trimming, and Lawn Care Maintenance for Town Properties
Three-Year Contract Term: April 1, 2025, through October 30, 2027
The Town of Wayne seeks a qualified contractor to provide Mowing, Trimming, and Lawn Care Maintenance for Town Properties. For complete bid specifications, see Advertisements for Bids: 3-Year Mowing Contract under the Documents tab, or contact the Town Office.
All bids must be submitted on the form supplied by the Town in sealed bid format. All questions regarding the bidding or specifications must be directed to the Town Manager, by mail at P.O. Box 400, 14 Kents Hill Road, Wayne, ME 04284, by email at, by fax at (207) 685-3836 or by telephone at (207) 685-4983.
Bids due no later than Friday, March 21, 2025, at 1:00 PM.
Bids opened on Friday, March 21, 2025, at 1:00 PM.
Bids awarded on Tuesday, April 1, 2023, at 6:00 PM by Selectboard.
The Select Board reserves the right to waive formalities or reject any or all bids when such action is in the best interest of the Town.